All posts by Admin

Family at a restaurant

What You Can Do in Alberta to Enjoy the Long 2021 Labour Day Weekend

Top 6 Fun Family Activities to Do for Labour Day Long Weekend Near Edmonton 

The long Labour Day weekend 2021 is here. Make sure you take time to rest and make the most of your extra time away from work. To help you do just that, we’ve put together a list of activities and things to do. Check them out and share your own ideas in the comments. 

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A boy and a girl looking out a car window

Sherwood Ford sponsors with Boys and Girls Club of Strathcona County

Though it can be difficult in the hustle of everyday life, it’s important to remember how fortunate we are to be living in a country with the opportunities that Canada provides. Here at Sherwood Ford, we believe that every member of our community should be able to have the same privileges and hopes for the future. That’s why we’re proud to partner with the Boys and Girls Club of Strathcona County! Our team will be attending a fundraising dinner that the organization is putting on Saturday, March 17th, and wanted to share how you can also get involved. Read the rest of this entry >>